“From Access to Integration” – reflecting on the international conference
The selection committee used the following criteria to choose digital projects that would present at the conference:
- The project demonstrates new approaches to creation and integration of technology and content
- Innovative process (as well as product)
- Challenges that arise and the ways in which institutions and professionals can think about collaborating to meet them
- Potential for dissemination and integration
- “How does the project demonstrate technological relevance and Jewish content?”
Participating Projects: ArchivesSpace; Digital Heritage Mapping’s Diarna Project; Judaica Europeana; Judaica Sound Archives Scholar’s Research Station; Mapping Arrarat; Portal to American Jewish History; DigiBaeck
Moderator: Ann Kirschner (University Dean, Macaulay Honors College, The City University of New York)
Check this blog for an account of each project demonstration.
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