The Center for Jewish History Releases a Statement on Intolerance

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New York, NY (December 11, 2015) – The Center for Jewish History
preserves and offers access to the original evidence of a thousand years
of Jewish experience. Long the targets of intolerance and bigotry, the
Jewish people are especially sensitive to prejudice directed against
others, and we oppose it without qualification.

The toxic virus of Islamophobia now threatening to infect American politics and society
is an offense to Jews. Our history reminds us that we, too, have long
been objects of racism and bigotry. We also remember that when we faced
annihilation in Europe, we were excluded from entry into the United
States solely because of our religious beliefs.

We call upon candidates for public office and our fellow citizens to
reject racism and prejudice. We urge them to insist upon those most
genuine of American and Jewish values: religious freedom, human equality
and inviolable human rights. Doing so will promote both justice and
security in this country and overseas. Doing otherwise is an odious
rejection of our own most profound commitments as both Americans and as


Joel J. Levy
President and CEO

Amy Goldman Fowler
Board Chair

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