by Andrey Filimonov
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Freedom Birthday Party for Valery Panov at the Plaza Square, NYC, March 12, 1974—Rally on behalf of a Refusenik leading ballet dancer Valery Panov. Pictured on the photo, left to right: Malcolm Hoenlein, founding executive director of the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry; Jerry Goodman, Director…
Austrian refugee Edmund Immergut found safe harbor in
Shanghai, China, where he arrived in the 1930s. Over 10,000 Jews escaping Nazi
rule lived in Shanghai during the war. See more of his documents from his time
in Shanghai here.
Image: Courtesy of Leo Baeck Institute
The Center for Jewish History insists upon the most
by Sarah Ponichtera, Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History
The landsmanshaftn collections of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research here at the Center illuminate the complex role of philanthropy in immigrant Jewish culture. Although the majority of the records concern apparently mundane affairs of collecting dues and reserving graves, buying Israel bonds and making dinner reservations for meetings, their constitutions reveal a wide array…