Highlight from Recently Digitized American Soviet Jewry Movement Collections: Seattle Action for Soviet Jewry Records—Travel to the USSR—Visiting Jewish Refuseniks in the Soviet Union
By James Benjamin Nadel, Communications Outreach Associate
As the summer ends, and opportunities to explore the great outdoors grow fewer, I wanted to draw attention to the little discussed history of Jewish hiking organizations. Several of these youth groups existed in pre-World War II Europe, but one stands out in particular for…
Sunday, May 17, 2 pm Holly Golightly Was a Nice Jewish Girl: Our Ancestors Reinvented Lecture Presented by Jewish Genealogical Society Click here for more information.
Monday, May 18, 7 pm A Wing and a Prayer: A Secret Operation to Prevent a Second Holocaust Film & Panel Discussion Presented by American Jewish Historical Society Click here for more…
I was a summer Research Intern at the Center for Jewish History from June to August 2016. This blog post is intended to talk about what I was doing and the really interesting materials I worked with.
The focus of my project is a number of rare books donated by …