Posts by


Edmund Immergut

Austrian refugee Edmund Immergut found safe harbor in
Shanghai, China, where he arrived in the 1930s. Over 10,000 Jews escaping Nazi
rule lived in Shanghai during the war. See more of his documents from his time
in Shanghai here.

Image: Courtesy of Leo Baeck Institute

The Center for Jewish History insists upon the most

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Sephardim and the West Coast: An internship project

By Leora Singer, Former Research Intern

Biography and Author’s Purpose

I am
a New York City High School Student that completed a 5-week research internship at The Center for Jewish
History this past summer. After taking Advanced Placement Spanish in school, I
became interested in the history of Jews of Spanish descent. In addition, my
knowledge of Hebrew and Spanish…

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Chasing history: the allure of the object

By Dong Eun Kim, Head Conservator, Center for Jewish History

Michael Simonson, Archivist and Registrar, Leo Baeck Institute

Post 3

In the previous blog post, the Werner J. and Gisella Levi
Cahnman Conservation Laboratory had received the Leo Baeck
Institute’s Metz Jewish Community Collection for assessment and treatment. The
Conservators in the lab were captivated by these artifacts; we felt…

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