Great Treasures in the Great Hall: A New Series for a Special Space at the Center


Currently on display in the Center’s Great Hall: A Shavuot papercut from the early 20th century. From the Collection of Yeshiva University Museum.

In addition to the Partner exhibition spaces, permanent art installations and the David Berg Rare Book Room, the Center has recently started to showcase treasures from all of the Partners in an innovative combination of electronic and…

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The Written World is a wall-sized paper mosaic created by Diane Samuels in which each tile is inscribed with a handwritten letter or character from one of dozens of languages collected from users of the Center. Stop into the Center’s Ackman and Ziff Genealogy Institute to admire it for yourself!

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It’s the season of summer camp! Looks like fun at Hecht House Camp in Maine, where newsboys take a dip in West Poland, Maine. From The American Jewish Historical Society.

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