Reflections on Yom HaShoah

by Center for Jewish History President and CEO Joel J. Levy

Yom HaShoah, Holocaust
Remembrance Day, is a time to remember, to commemorate, and to honor all those
who died in the Holocaust, as well as the survivors who endured those very dark
and terrible years. Sadly, Jewish history is replete with many earlier
instances of anti-Semitism,…

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Echoes and Reflections at the Center for Jewish History

by James Nadel, Communications Outreach Associate

A month ago, the Center for Jewish History hosted “Echoes
and Reflections
,”  a traveling program for educational
professionals that focuses on Holocaust pedagogy. Echoes and Reflections was
originally co-designed by three of the world’s most significant Jewish
institutions: the Anti-Defamation League, Yad-Vashem (the Holocaust museum of Israel) and the…

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Breaking through our Female Ancestor’s Brick Walls: Genealogical Sources for Maiden Names by Moriah Amit

In honor of Women’s History Month, I
would like to offer some guidance to those who are seeking to discover and
share the stories of their elusive female ancestors. One of the most common
“brick walls” that genealogy researchers face when tracing the family history
of a female ancestor is that their family doesn’t know her maiden name. For

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