
Dramatis personae: Addressing a playwright

Out of the Archives
How to Find Arthur Miller Without Even Trying, or, The Perks of Being the First Lady
by Stefanie Halpern, Archival Processing Fellow, Center for Jewish History

I was processing a collection on the Friends of Ida Kaminska Theatre, a foundation that existed for only a few years to raise funds…

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Your Digital Family Album: A System for Safekeeping | Preservation Week 2014

We’re honoring National Preservation Week (April 26 through May 3) with a series of posts from our archival experts about the best way to take care of your precious artifacts at home. 


by Moriah Amit, Reference Services Librarian and Genealogy Specialist, Center for Jewish History, and Tracey Beck, Associate Librarian for Cataloging and Periodicals, Leo Baeck Institute

If you’re like us,…

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Where Are the Jewish Women on Wikipedia? Add Them! Free Event Sunday, May 4th


Have you ever been surprised that Wikipedia doesn’t cover a particular Jewish woman of note? Maybe you’ve been tempted to improve existing Wikipedia articles about Jewish women, or you’re curious about Wikipedia in general. Perhaps you’d like to check out some of the resources the Center’s partners hold on Jewish women.

The Center for Jewish History invites…

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