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Ackman and Ziff Genealogy Institute

The Written World is a wall-sized paper mosaic created by Diane Samuels in which each tile is inscribed with a handwritten letter or character from one of dozens of languages collected from users of the Center. Stop into the Center’s Ackman and Ziff Genealogy Institute to admire it for yourself!

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The Center’s Genealogy Institute & Reading Room

by Anna Khomina, Research and Special Projects Intern, Center for Jewish History

Visitors to exhibits at the Center for Jewish History sometimes discover the Ackman and Ziff Genealogy Institute and the adjacent Lillian Goldman Reading Room, and they wonder what these serene and light-filled research oases are. This post serves as a basic introduction to these two rooms, based on inquiries I have…

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Using Family History Databases to Trace Your Roots
by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

In honor of Jewish Heritage Month, I am embarking on a small series of posts that expand on different ways of exploring and digging deeper into the collections here at the Center. This post discusses the Family History Databases currently…

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