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Family History Today 2016


Free Events for Genealogists of All Levels

May 15 – 24, 2016

The Center for Jewish History invites family historians of all backgrounds
to explore their roots at the landmark Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute.

Participants can learn how to begin family
history research with the guidance of expert genealogists, delve into federal records

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The Center for Jewish History

The Center for Jewish History in New York City illuminates history, culture, and heritage.The Center provides a collaborative home for five partner organizations: American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

The partners’ archives comprise the world’s largest and most comprehensive archive of the modern Jewish experience outside of Israel. The Center’s experts…

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The Remarkable Social Worker: Alice Davis Menken

By Jackie Brettschneider, Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Alice Davis Menken was a social worker for the courts and correctional institutions of New York state and city. She worked to rehabilitate delinquent girls within the penal system. This makes her an interesting Jewish woman because of her desire to help girls with no one else to turn to. Seeing these girls as people,…

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