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center for jewish history

Attention foodies!

Apply now for Tent: Food NYC. Through cooking demos, writing workshops, food crawls, and museum visits you’ll be immersed in the diverse world of Jewish food culture from October 19-26th. The program is free and open to all Americans and Canadians ages 21-30. 

Hurry! The deadline is June 29, 2014.

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Your Family History, Our Incredible Archives: A Story in the New York Press

A human-family tree stands by the renovated genealogy institute at the Center for Jewish History in Manhattan. Photographs of couples, children, families, molecular matter, and, atop the trunk, Rosalind Franklin—the British Jewish scientist whose work helped Watson and Crick imagine the double helix—adorn the branches. (Description via the New York Press.) 

We’re thrilled to see today’s

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The Written World is a wall-sized paper mosaic created by Diane Samuels in which each tile is inscribed with a handwritten letter or character from one of dozens of languages collected from users of the Center. Stop into the Center’s Ackman and Ziff Genealogy Institute to admire it for yourself!

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