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center for jewish history

National Preservation Week: Free Programs at the Center from April 28-April 30

The Center for Jewish History is known for its state-of-the-art facilities for the archiving, conserving, and digitization of historic material. Joining institutions around the United States, the Center is observing National Preservation Week–April 27 through May 3–with a series of blog posts about preserving artifacts at home and with free public events at its beautiful building at 15 West 16th Street in…

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All images: Collection of Yeshiva University Museum

Shana Tova!

The start of this year marks a new beginning for us here at the Center for a Jewish History. We’re opening the new David Berg Rare Book Room to showcase treasures from the collections of our five partners, launching a program season packed with everything from concerts to symposia, and embarking on an exploration of…

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