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center for jewish history

Highlight from the Sidney Lapidus Collections of Judaica: Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews

Highlight from the Sidney Lapidus Collections of Judaica: Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews

AJHS Board Chairman and CJH Board Treasurer Sidney Lapidus is not only a dedicated and generous philanthropist, but also a great collector of Anglo-American political treatises and essays and lawbooks on slavery, many of which he has donated to his alma mater, Princeton University, and to…

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Tales from the Catalog : Is This Radioactive?

I’m Jaime Taylor, the Center for Jewish History’s systems librarian. My
job has two components: I administer the catalog software, and I also do
strange things with the catalog records themselves. As such, by chance I see records
for all sorts of interesting items that I might not otherwise realize the
Center holds.

Some months ago I read a title,…

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