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Historical Passover Games

by Miryam Gordon, Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Jewish life in general, and Jewish holidays in particular, places much emphasis on children. Kids are constantly encouraged to get involved in their religion and culture and learn more about it. Perhaps the best way to interact with children in order to encourage them to want to learn is through games. Throughout the archives of…

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All images: Collection of Yeshiva University Museum

A sizeable portion of Eastern European Jewish immigrants who streamed into New York at the turn of the 20th century found work in the city’s expanding garment industry. Although only about 10% were actual trained tailors, many Jewish immigrants held experience in both producing clothing–since the garment industry in Russia was one of the only businesses open to Jews–and…

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Happy Tu B’Shevat!

It is the 15th of Shevat, the “New Year for Trees”—a holiday during which Jews reflect on the importance of respecting and preserving the environment.

Pictured above: Tree Planting circa 1934
Subjects: Israel; agriculture; children

For more, visit the Center for Jewish History’s Flickr photostream.
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