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free events

Family History Today 2016


Free Events for Genealogists of All Levels

May 15 – 24, 2016

The Center for Jewish History invites family historians of all backgrounds
to explore their roots at the landmark Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute.

Participants can learn how to begin family
history research with the guidance of expert genealogists, delve into federal records

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Jewish Populations in Europe, 1750 – 1950: Maps for Your Research

Jewish Populations in Europe, 1750 – 1950: Maps for Your Research

Monday, December 14 6:30pm

the frequently changing borders of European countries in the 18th –
20th centuries, it can be a challenge to understand the locations of
Jewish communities of interest within those countries. On behalf of the
International Institute for Jewish Genealogy, Sandy Crystall developed…

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November 1 – December 14, 2015

The Center for Jewish History’s landmark Ackman & Ziff Family Genealogy Institute will showcase its vast resources and host expert speakers on specific genealogy topics throughout November and December in an ongoing event series called “Family History Today.” Whether visitors are just beginning their family history searches or are expert genealogists, all are welcome to join in the…

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