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Spaniolischer Jude (Jew from Spain), etching print on a postcard
From the E.M. Lilien Collection. AR 1944
Collection of the Leo Baeck Institute

“The Sephardim Are Coming, the Sephardim Are Coming!”

By: J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S., Reference Services Librarian,
Genealogy Specialist, Center for Jewish History

More than 500 years ago, on July 30th of 1492, Jews residing in Spain—numbering approximately 200,000—were expelled from…

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The Ackman & Ziff Family Genealogy Institute

Have you ever wanted to know more about your heritage or family history? The Center for Jewish History offers a landmark genealogy institute that is open to all.

Visit us to get unparalleled free, personalized assistance from a skilled librarian who can help you navigate resources and databases, and show you how to access…

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NY Archives Week: FREE events

The Center for Jewish History and its Partners are participating in New York Archives Week with the following FREE events. Please join us!

Sunday, October 5

1pm-2pm: Open house advice session (Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Great Hall, first floor)
Learn how to store, preserve, and archive your family memorabilia and collections! Experts will be on hand to answer your questions about special topics…

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Your Family History, Our Incredible Archives: A Story in the New York Press

A human-family tree stands by the renovated genealogy institute at the Center for Jewish History in Manhattan. Photographs of couples, children, families, molecular matter, and, atop the trunk, Rosalind Franklin—the British Jewish scientist whose work helped Watson and Crick imagine the double helix—adorn the branches. (Description via the New York Press.) 

We’re thrilled to see today’s

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