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Jews for Urban Justice

Jews for Urban Justice: Part 2

 by Ilana Rossoff, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

This post is part of the Jews and Social Justice Series. To view all posts in the series, click here.

Jews for Urban Justice (JUJ) organized programs that used Jewish holidays as opportunities to raise awareness about social injustices and expand on traditional Jewish spiritual practice. On July 23, 1969, Jews for Urban…

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Jews for Urban Justice: Part 1

by Ilana Rossoff, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

This post is part of the Jews and Social Justice Series. To view all posts in the series, click here.

Jewish tradition emphasizes that Jews do justice and resist injustice. In past times of abundance, when the Jewish community has strayed, prophets have spoken out publicly to reawaken our people to their…

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Jews and Social Justice Series: Introduction

Profiles of select Jewish organizations from the second half of the 20th century
by Ilana Rossoff, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

In March 2012, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the American Jewish Historical Society, partner organizations of the Center for Jewish History, co-hosted a two-day symposium on “Jews and the Left” featuring scholars from many different fields to discuss…

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