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nyc events

Jewish Genealogical Society meeting Sunday Feb. 21 at 2 PM

From the Spanish Inquisition to the Present: A Search for Jewish Roots, presented by Genie Milgrom

Genie Milgrom will discuss her unparalleled work of genealogy, documenting an unbroken maternal lineage back to 1480in Pre-Inquisition Spain and Portugal. Born in Havana, Cuba, to a Roman Catholic family of Spanish ancestry, Genie wasalways interested in her family genealogy, but when she learned of…

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November 1 – December 14, 2015

The Center for Jewish History’s landmark Ackman & Ziff Family Genealogy Institute will showcase its vast resources and host expert speakers on specific genealogy topics throughout November and December in an ongoing event series called “Family History Today.” Whether visitors are just beginning their family history searches or are expert genealogists, all are welcome to join in the…

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Tonight: A Special Evening Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Murder of Leon Klinghoffer Aboard the Achille Lauro

An Evening of Conversation & Stories

 October 8, 1985, terrorists representing the Palestinian Liberation  
Organization stormed the Achille Lauro cruise ship, murdering Leon
Klinghoffer, who was vacationing with his  wife and friends. His tragic
death became a rallying cry in the fight  against terrorism. In the
ensuing years the story was co-opted and  retold through the…

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