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rare books

“A Virtuous, Honest, Industrious, and Injured Foreigner”: The Case of Henry Simons

By Lauren Gilbert, Director of Public Services

“A Virtuous, Honest, Industrious, and Injured Foreigner”: The Case of Henry Simons

All publications referenced in this post can be found in the Sid Lapidus Collection of Early Modern Judaica at the Center for Jewish History.

In August of 1751, a Polish Jewish peddler named Henry Simons traveled to England carrying 554 ducats that had been entrusted…

New at the Center for Jewish History
Opening Sunday, October 6, 2013

The David Berg Rare Book Room is a new state-of-the-art space presenting exhibitions and collections of rare books, first editions, illuminated manuscripts and letters dating back hundreds of years. It provides for the first time a shared exhibition space for the Center partners’ treasures. Visitors can virtually turn the pages of digitized…

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All images: Collection of Yeshiva University Museum

Shana Tova!

The start of this year marks a new beginning for us here at the Center for a Jewish History. We’re opening the new David Berg Rare Book Room to showcase treasures from the collections of our five partners, launching a program season packed with everything from concerts to symposia, and embarking on an exploration of…

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