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Jewish Genealogical Society meeting Sunday Feb. 21 at 2 PM

From the Spanish Inquisition to the Present: A Search for Jewish Roots, presented by Genie Milgrom

Genie Milgrom will discuss her unparalleled work of genealogy, documenting an unbroken maternal lineage back to 1480in Pre-Inquisition Spain and Portugal. Born in Havana, Cuba, to a Roman Catholic family of Spanish ancestry, Genie wasalways interested in her family genealogy, but when she learned of…

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Spaniolischer Jude (Jew from Spain), etching print on a postcard
From the E.M. Lilien Collection. AR 1944
Collection of the Leo Baeck Institute

“The Sephardim Are Coming, the Sephardim Are Coming!”

By: J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S., Reference Services Librarian,
Genealogy Specialist, Center for Jewish History

More than 500 years ago, on July 30th of 1492, Jews residing in Spain—numbering approximately 200,000—were expelled from…

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