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YU Museum collections

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At the Sewing Machine (from Songs of the Ghetto)

Poem by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923) with translation from Yiddish by Berthold Feiwel (1875-1937). Illustration by Ephraim Moses Lilien (1874-1925). 

Berlin, Benjamin Harz Verlag ca. 1902.

Collection of Yeshiva University Museum (1996.023). Gift of Michael Cohn.

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Die Haggadah des Kindes. (Click on title to view digitized version.) Leo Baeck Institute.

Dayenu: A few Passover Haggadot would have been enough…really?
by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History 

As we prepare for the ritual Seder this evening, I started to reflect on the variations of Passover Haggadot and the vast number of them…

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Image: For the Child Who is Unable to Inquire, Thou Shalt Explain the Whole Story of Passover (Seder plate). Harriete Estel Berman. Steel, tin, plexiglas, sterling silver, brass. Yeshiva University Museum.

A Newborn Girl at Passover
by Nan Cohen

Consider one apricot in a basket of them.
It is very much like all the other apricots–
an individual already, skin and…

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