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The Mandate Origins of Israeli Democracy

June 28, 2024
By Nimrod Lin

The Mandate Origins of Israeli Democracy

As part of the joint CJH-Brandeis University initiative on the history of Israeli democracy, we are happy to present a selection of blog posts from members of the inaugural cohort of fellows from the Schusterman Center’s Institute for Advanced Israel Studies. Especially in the current period of acute crisis, CJH…

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Hadassah Oral Histories—Friendship and Professionalism, Intertwined

Janine Veazue

history is distinguished from other forms of interviews by its content and
extent. Oral history interviews seek an in-depth account of personal experience
and reflections, with sufficient time allowed for the narrators to give their
story the fullness they desire. The content of oral history interviews is
grounded in reflections on the past…

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Into the Woods: Blau-Weiss, the German Zionist Hiking Group


Image: Courtesy of Leo Baeck Institute

By James Benjamin Nadel, Communications Outreach Associate

As the summer ends, and opportunities to explore the great outdoors grow fewer, I wanted to draw attention to the little discussed history of Jewish hiking organizations. Several of these youth groups existed in pre-World War II Europe, but one stands out in particular for…

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