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Sephardic Journeys: Rome’o i Zhuliyet

The rare books and artifacts in this exhibit, Sephardic Journeys, reflect a rich tradition of scholarship and culture shaped by migrations, and they invite, in turn, reflection upon the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys of Jewish history. 

Item above:
Rome’o i Zhuliyet (רומיאו אי ז’ולייטה)
William Shakespeare
(Salonika, 1922)

This translation comes from the Balkans, which hosted a lively Ladino literary milieu in the early 1900s. While many works from this period were lost, most presumed destroyed during the Holocaust, a growing number are being found around the world. This edition of Romeo and Juliet, one of the only Ladino copies in North America, came into the possession of the National Sephardic Library after a woman discovered it mixed in with her departed husband’s books. How he obtained the work remains unknown. 

Gift of Ms. Charlotte Hanok in memory of her husband Mr. Albert Hanok and his father Mr. Isaac Hanok

Sephardic Journeys is on view through June 2015 in The David Berg Rare Book Room. Sephardic Journeys has been supported by a generous grant from The David Berg Foundation and was created by the Center for Jewish History with American Sephardi Federation. 

Sephardic Journeys is on view through June 2015 in The David Berg Rare Book Room. Sephardic Journeys
has been supported by a generous grant from The David Berg Foundation
and was created by the Center for Jewish History with American Sephardi

To see other artifacts from Sephardic Journeys click here: http://16thstreet.tumblr.com/tagged/Sephardic-Journeys

Sephardic Journeys is free and open to the public through June 30th.

For more information click here: http://cjh.org/p/42  

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