Stories from the Collections: Former AJHS Executive Director on the Archive of the American Soviet Jewry Movement and finding his Bar Mitzvah twin

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In celebration of Archives Week 2016, Center and partner
staff collected and recorded stories about the collections and services at the
Center and its partners. If you have ever wondered why archives matter and how
archives can change lives, just have a listen.

In this recording, archivists Andrey Filimonov and Leanora
Lange of the Center for Jewish History talk with Evan Kingsley about his
experience growing up in South Florida, a community active in the American
Soviet Jewry Movement, and how Andrey helped him reconnect with his Bar Mitzvah
twin through the Archive of the American Soviet Jewry Movement at the American
Jewish Historical Society. More about the American Jewish Historical Society’s
Archive of the American Soviet Jewry Movement can be found at

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