Join the Center for Jewish History and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum for a Research Sprint!

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In collaboration with #HistoryUnfolded: U.S. Newspapers and the Holocaust, a program of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), CJH will be hosting a ‘Research Sprint’– a day for Citizen Historians to conduct research in newspaper collections and investigate U.S. press coverage for specific Holocaust events in 1938 on March 18, 2018.

Data that is uncovered for this project helps the USHMM to discover what Americans knew and how they responded to nationally/locally published news of Nazi persecution.

Participants of this event can submit their local findings to the USHMM’s online database which will be available to anyone, anywhere—from historians to curators to students.

Would you like to join us and become a Citizen Historian? Here’s what to do!


  1. Register for our event on March 18, 2018 by emailing You will soon receive an email with more details and assigned research topics.
  2. Register as a Researcher with CJH’s Library, by visiting and creating a user account. In the Research Topic field, please fill-in “USHMM Research Sprint.”
  3. Read through our #HistoryUnfolded LibGuide for more information!  


  1. Register with #HistoryUnfolded by visiting, and join the “Center for Jewish History” Group to contribute to our research sprints!
  2. Choose the event(s) selected for this research sprint listed in the initial confirmation email received from CJH.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Seems like your computer stations are limited. Can I bring my laptop instead?

You bet! We’ll help you sign on to the Center’s wi-fi and you’ll have the same access to our databases as the computer stations.

I can’t make it to the Center. Can I research from home?

Sure! Just be aware that your access to our on-site databases will be limited.     For a list of other databases that provide access off-site, please visit our            #HistoryUnfolded LibGuide:

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