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We congratulate winners of the Jewish Book Awards – and took a look at some of the sources used

Michelle McCarthy,
M.S.L.I.S., Reference Services Assistant, Center for Jewish History

Wednesday, March 11th, the 64th Annual Jewish Book Awards
for 2014 were held at the Center for Jewish History. The awards are distributed
each year in 15 categories by the Jewish Book Council to promote the “reading,
writing, and publishing of modern Jewish content in American literature.” These

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Science of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums)

Science of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums)

In 2011 the Center for Jewish History and the Leo Baeck Institute, one of its five partners, embarked on a project with Goethe University Frankfurt am Main to digitize nearly 1,000 books that went missing from the university library’s Judaica collection during the devastation of World War II. The goal of the project was to digitally recreate the Freimann Judaica Collection as…

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