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Nibbles, Noshes, and More: Baking Historical Hadassah Recipes

By Nicole Greenhouse

Hadassah chapters have a long history of fundraising
for Israeli public welfare projects and the Hadassah hospitals in at Mount
Scopus and Ein Kerem. As part of their fundraising efforts, chapters produced
cookbooks, made up of beloved recipes of chapter members. Many of these chapter
cookbooks can be found in the Hadassah Archives.  The team working on…

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Hadassah Oral Histories—Friendship and Professionalism, Intertwined

Janine Veazue

history is distinguished from other forms of interviews by its content and
extent. Oral history interviews seek an in-depth account of personal experience
and reflections, with sufficient time allowed for the narrators to give their
story the fullness they desire. The content of oral history interviews is
grounded in reflections on the past…

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