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This week, CJH Archivists
participated in #1Lib1Ref, a collaborative

project encouraging all information professionals around the country
to edit one page, add at least one new link or citation, or start a brand new
page to further the reach of their archival holdings.

Here’s a breakdown of the
amazing CJH…

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Folktale Friday

Do you want
to read some Jewish Folktales?

Well, you are in luck… we have plenty in the collections at the Center
for Jewish History! There are over 400 books categorized under the
“Jews—Folklore” category; and nearly 700 under the “Folklore” category.

highlights you can read here at the Center for Jewish History – 

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Family History Today 2016


Free Events for Genealogists of All Levels

May 15 – 24, 2016

The Center for Jewish History invites family historians of all backgrounds
to explore their roots at the landmark Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute.

Participants can learn how to begin family
history research with the guidance of expert genealogists, delve into federal records

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