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This week, CJH Archivists
participated in #1Lib1Ref, a collaborative

project encouraging all information professionals around the country
to edit one page, add at least one new link or citation, or start a brand new
page to further the reach of their archival holdings.

Here’s a breakdown of the
amazing CJH…

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“We must do our share in thecommunity of mankind”—the voice of Bayard Rustin in the American Soviet Jewry movement

By Andrey Filimonov

Audio recording: Public Service Announcements urging support for Soviet Jewry by Rita Moreno, Bayard Rustin, Sam Levenson and Alan King, recently digitized at the Center for Jewish History. Link to digital audio file:

Originally found on an open-reel tape, in the Records of National Conference on Soviet Jewry, I-181A, Box 369, Tape number M15.

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