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L’Shana Tova! Turn-of-the-Century New Year’s Cards from the Collection of Yeshiva University Museum

By Lauren Gilbert
Director of Public Services, Center for Jewish History

L’Shana Tova! Turn-of-the-Century New Year’s Cards from the Collection of Yeshiva University Museum

The commercial greeting card industry grew rapidly around the turn of the last century in Europe after the introduction of the picture postcard along with technical innovations that permitted cheaper mass production of color prints. Pre-printed cards became commonplace…

Greetings from Seasons Past

By James Benjamin Nadel, Communications Outreach Associate

How do you reach out to friends and family for the
New Year? Do you write them an email or make a call? This year you might,
following a long Jewish tradition, consider sending an illustrated postcard.
Such was the norm for many Jews living in the late 19th and early 20th

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In memory of the Beilis Trial: “Beilis Not Guilty, Jews Guilty” (circa 1913). From YIVO Collections

The dramatic postcard above is a commentary on the notorious 1911 Beilis Trial, which escalated the already rampant anti-Semitic sentiment in tsarist Russia. In a case strikingly similar to the that of the Trial of Trent almost 400 years earlier, it revolved around blood libel.


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